How to Boost the Conversion Rate of Your E-Commerce Website
If you run an online ecommerce store, you’re always trying to increase your sales. Here’s how to increase the conversion rate of your ecommerce site.
Features that get better the conversion rates of your e-commerce website:
- Connecting social media – Eighty Four percentages of online shoppers review at least one social media site before making a purchase. Increase your social media engagement.
- Quality Product Images – People want to see what they’re getting. Show the products from different angles, in context, make them zoomable.
- Product videos – Images are good, but video is better. And increase product purchases by 144%!
- Great product Description – The role of product description is to give buyers enough information, so they could convince themselves this is the right product for them.
- Reviews and Ratings – Other customer reviews and ratings of your product provide significant information to new customers so they need not leave your site.
- Show Contact Info, Offer Live Chat – Adding your contact information to your site builds trust.
- Website UI and Design – The design of a website is an important factor when it comes to increase the conversion rate of an e-commerce website. Most people spend only 3 seconds on a home page before deciding if they will become a part of the conversion rate of the site or simply click away.
- Offer Free or Reduced Shipping costs if possible.
- Improve Your Site Loading Times – slow loading pages will destroy your conversion rates.
- Boost your calls to action(CTA) button
- Smooth Checkout Page – Don’t ask for too much information, keep pages designed clearly.
Improving the conversion rate of an e-commerce website thus depends on lots of factor social media engagement, customer feedback, responsive website design and efficient marketing strategy. To set up an ecommerce website or revamping an existing one, we are the right company to get in touch. Besides eCommerce website designing, we offer a wide range of web design, website development, mobile app development, game Art and development services to suit your budget.